You are in a right place
Searching for help is an important first step. If you don't feel good, contact a specialist at Leaside Therapy Group to get support and regain your emotional health and well-being.
Find a therapistFrequently asked questions
What are the differences between Psychotherapy and Coaching or Counselling?
While the terms psychotherapy and counselling and/or coaching are often used interchangeably, there are some differences to be aware of when deciding what kind of help you need.
LICENSING | Psychotherapists must be licensed by one of 5 specific colleges in Ontario. All college members must pass an exam and have hundreds of hours of supervised practice. | Counsellors/ Coaches may be accredited by an association however there is no regulating body or college that oversees counselling or coaching services. |
ISSUES ADDRESSED | Psychotherapist offer expertise in mental health issues including anxiety, depression and trauma. | Counsellors/Coaches offer support and guidance in a variety of areas such as life transitions, social and emotional skills, stress management and parenting. |
GOALS | Psychotherapists offer long term changes and personal growth by delving into emotional issues. They can also offer support and guidance on more complicated concerns. | Counsellors/Coaches offer solution focused advice on how to navigate life’s challenges. They take life skills knowledge and break it down into easy to understand goals. |
TIME/ORIENTATION | Therapists can focus on past experiences, current patterns or future goals. | Counsellors/Coaches mainly focus on current patterns and future goals |
JURISDICTION | Psychotherapist can only practice in the Province or State where they hare licensed. | Counsellors/Coaches may work nationally or internationally. |
TAXES & FEES | Psychotherapy is tax exempt and fees may be covered under extended health benefits. Check with your own benefit package. | Counselling/Coaching is not tax exempt nor are they covered under most benefits. Check with your own benefit package. |
If you are not clear on whether or how to choose a psychotherapist or counsellor/coach, you can ask to have an introductory call and ask them about their approaches. You can also ask about their credentials and choose the one that feels right for you.
How will I chose the right therapist for me or my family?
We hope that our website will be helpful in narrowing down your choices. Under ‘Therapists‘ you can review bios of all our therapists, or you can review a list of specific problems and then see which therapists specialize in that area. Feel free to contact our therapists directly with your questions.
We are also happy to speak to you and help guide you in the right direction. You can contact our director Sheri Betel for a referral at Sheri will ask you some questions about the problem you are experiencing and the services you think you need. Based on this quick intake Sheri will refer you to the most appropriate therapist.
It is important to feel that you have found the right therapist. If after the initial meeting you feel that the therapist is not right for you or your family you can ask the therapist or Sheri for a new referral. Your therapist may also decide that you need a different therapist with more suitable experience or qualifications for your particular situation or problem and refer you to another therapist at the Centre or elsewhere.
What are the differences between Registered Social Workers, Registered Psychotherapists, and Registered Psychologists?
It can be very confusing for people as these titles are often used with little explanation. The main difference is what college the therapist belongs to. Only clinicians with a degree in Psychology can belong to the College of Psychologists. Clinicians with a degree in Social Work belong to the Social Work College and most other clinicians with degrees in counselling belong to the College of Psychotherapists. This is really only important from an insurance point of view in terms of their coverage of the service.
As a side note, Register Psychologist are also allowed to diagnose mental health conditions and offer psychological testing. Unfortunately we do not currently have any Registered Psychologists on staff but hope to have some join us in the future.
In terms of practicing psychotherapy and offering the counselling you need, clinicians registered to any of these three colleges are allowed to offer this service. They must have the specialized training and education to offer psychotherapy. As all therapists at Leaside Therapy Centre are vetted, you can be assured that your therapist meets all of these qualifications and can offer this specialized level of care.
What are your fees?
Each therapist arranges his/her own fee schedule, so you will have to discuss this with your therapist.
Do you work evenings and weekends?
Yes, many of our therapists work evenings and weekends.
How do you know if you need a therapist?
There are a number of reasons why someone would benefit from seeing a therapist. Here is a list of questions that you might ask yourself.
If you are saying yes to one or more of these, you may wish to talk to someone about possibly seeking help:
- If you unable to function as you normally do.
- If you feel unlike yourself — if you are sleeping a lot more, at lot more anxious, less sociable, in a mood that you cannot shake
- If you are dealing with an issue you haven’t had to deal with before and it is making you very anxious and you are unsure how to proceed
- If the communication between you and your partner is getting worse and you just don’t have the relationship you used to
- If your child or partner is acting out in ways that worry you
- If you suffered a traumatic or unfortunate event or loss that you need to talk about with someone
Are you covered by OHIP? Will my Insurance cover your Services?
The therapists at the centre are not covered by OHIP, but some therapists may be covered by Extended Health Care Benefits. You may wish to check with your Insurance provider to learn what requirements are necessary for coverage. Services by a Registered Social Worker or Registered Psychologist are considered medical expenses for tax purposes.
Leaside Therapy Group
If you think you might want to see a therapist, let us help guide you through the process of choosing who you might speak to.
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