
By Cory

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How do you know if you need a therapist?

There are a number of reasons why someone would benefit from seeing a therapist. Here is a list of questions that you might ask yourself.

If you are saying yes to one or more of these, you may wish to talk to someone about possibly seeking help:

  1. If you unable to function as you normally do.
  2. If you feel unlike yourself — if you are sleeping a lot more, at lot more anxious, less sociable, in a mood that you cannot shake
  3. If you are dealing with an issue you haven’t had to deal with before and it is making you very anxious and you are unsure how to proceed
  4. If the communication between you and your partner is getting worse and you just don’t have the relationship you used to
  5. If your child or partner is acting out in ways that worry you
  6. If you suffered a traumatic or unfortunate event or loss that you need to talk about with someone